So many of you are baking bread and binging Netflix and reading all the books. Not me… I have a two-year-old.
“I’m not scared.
Bear Hunt, traditional
It’s a beautiful day.”
He doesn’t know what is happening, I am relieved I don’t have to explain or help him deal with his own fear about the situation. He knows something is up, of course. He’s learning to stay away from people when we go for our careful walks around the neighborhood to burn some of that toddler energy. He has accepted that he cannot go to the playground.
He’s gotten fast on his little balance bike. I’m glad he has a solo exercise he likes. Sometimes he doesn’t want to go out. I think to myself it is for the best…until he launches himself off the sofa and body slams me for the twelfth time that day.

Note (5/20): Photos taken before masks were required or even recommended.
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