Words (2007-2020)

  • Two Months

    …of six feet…of missing friends…of…

    Two Months

  • I’m Not Bored

    So many of you are baking bread and binging Netflix and reading all the books. Not me… I have a two-year-old.

    I’m Not Bored

  • Reception

    Reception Bar’s beautifully designed matchbooks and cocktail menu did not disappoint.


  • Look Up

    Cadman Plaza Park, Brooklyn, April 2019

    Look Up

  • Treats

    Iced Latte + Oatmeal Chai Donut


  • So Many Apples… Make Pie Filling!

    If you are not ready to bake a pie today, prepare and freeze pie filling! You’ll be all set when the holidays roll around.

    So Many Apples… Make Pie Filling!

  • Foodstirs @ Taste Buds Kitchen

    Foodstirs – Modern Baking Mixes Foodstirs started online about a year ago with a subscription program, and they are now launching their retail line at Whole Foods on the east coast and Gelson’s on the west. See my post on Cupcakes by Amélie about baking Foodstirs’ Brooklyn Brownies! I had the opportunity to attend a press event…

    Foodstirs @ Taste Buds Kitchen

  • Lemon Verbena Gimlet

    I had some lemon verbena from my CSA this week, and I wasn’t sure what to do with it. Coming home after work on a very hot summer day, the idea hit me. Cocktail time! For more drinks of all sorts, follow me and my husband on Instagram @drinksunited. Lemon Verbena Gimlet Author: Amélie Walker-Yung Serves: 2…

    Lemon Verbena Gimlet

  • Herbal Aspirations

    My city living has meant years of no outdoor dirt to call my own. Now that I have some options, I’m trying window-box gardening. I planted some herbs in a northeast facing window. If they grow, will they go crazy and fight for dominance? Will they co-exist in peace? First step, keep them alive!

    Herbal Aspirations

  • The Acorn Pop-Up in NYC

    I dined at Vancouver’s The Acorn last night. No, I did not take an unexpected trip to Canada. My husband treated us to tickets to the popup dining event here in New York at Exhibit C on the Lower East Side. The Acorn is a vegetarian restaurant that focuses on the vegetables. That might seem an obvious fact, but…

    The Acorn Pop-Up in NYC

  • Cranberry New Year’s Pie

    My New Year’s wish for champagne and pie came true, even if I had to bake the pie myself (I don’t mind). Cranberries are festive, their tart flavor says “holidays” to me. They make a tasty, somewhat unexpected pie filling, a little something special for a celebration. When “I baked a pie!” is my answer to “What did you…

    Cranberry New Year’s Pie

  • A Kitchen Evolution

    I’ve moved out, but my studio’s kitchen holds many memories! Here are my first real experiences with home renovation and how my little kitchen evolved.

    A Kitchen Evolution

  • Caramel Corn

    This is the best stuff. I ate some stale the other day, and it was still good. Can’t-stop-eating good… I’d never made caramel corn before and had no idea it was so easy. Here’s what you do: Caramel Corn Caramel Corn Author: Amélie Walker-Yung Ingredients 1 gallon popped popcorn 1 cup brown sugar 1 stick…

    Caramel Corn

  • Up Dog, Down Dog

    I’ve never been an athlete or enjoyed going to the gym (people do?), but I’m a big fan of yoga. I remember scoffing at it myself before I tried a class, but I was hooked before too long! It’s the best thing I have found to calm my mind and work on keeping me fit. Good…

    Up Dog, Down Dog

  • Hummingbird Slip Ons

    I’m very happy with my new “Aerialist” shoes from Bucketfeet! They are comfy, unique, and just fun to wear. The design is by UK illustrator Mat Miller (@matmillerillustration). Bucketfeet works with over 20,000 emerging artists around the world, paying them both upfront and ongoing royalties. It is “a brand on a mission to connect people through art.” Read their story… Are you an artist…

    Hummingbird Slip Ons

  • Not Always Cupcakes

    Though I’m known for cupcakes, I do occasionally eat and cook other food. One of the reasons I revived my personal blog was to write about other topics I’d like to cover, including non-cupcake kitchen adventures. Want a taste of them? Stay tuned… Above, a neighbor made Cinnamon Blueberry Jam that paired nicely with brie…

    Not Always Cupcakes

  • Bouquet Shadowbox

    I’ve been honored to serve as a bridesmaid 10 times and have kept many bouquets over the years. Moving soon and worried about crushing dried flowers, I decided to better preserve the memories by creating this keepsake. Materials: dried flowers, sharp scissors, Goop craft glue, shadow box frame (from Michaels) I carefully removed flowers from…

    Bouquet Shadowbox

  • Ma Rue

    I can’t help getting tickled seeing my name. I never can find my name on pre-printed name keychains, toys, Cokes, mini license plates, etc. It’s becoming more popular in the U.S. now—a friend’s sister just named her daughter Amélie (and not after me)—but it’s still more common to find in France. We happened onto this street…

    Ma Rue

  • Articles in ARCHAEOLOGY

    For several years, I worked at ARCHAEOLOGY magazine as online editor and webmaster. I wrote a number of articles during that time, mostly for the website. They are available in the ARCHAEOLOGY Archive. News Neolithic Surgery Anasazi Cannibalism? Virtual Reconstruction Canaanite Lion Earliest Mound Site Mesolithic Surgery Oldest Glue Discovered King Arthur was Real? Ancient…

    Articles in ARCHAEOLOGY

  • Cupcakes & Castles

    I have a Tumblr account featuring two of my favorite things. It’s just for fun, a little happy for the eyes. I started it when I was helping a client with Tumblr, I wanted to be able to give a primary user’s insight. A Pinterest board would serve the same purpose, but this is really more fun. Follow me! cupcakeamelie.tumblr.com

    Cupcakes & Castles

  • Bourbon Peach Tea

    Try this one on a hot, summer day or a cool, autumn evening! I used Prohibition Distillery‘s Bootlegger 21 New York Bourbon and some Hiram Walker Peach Schnapps (honestly, this recipe originated as a way to use up the stuff). This is a sweet drink. If that’s not your thing, reduce the syrup. Or make a different…

    Bourbon Peach Tea

  • Little Borrowed Dresses

    For our wedding, I used a company called Little Borrowed Dress (now Union Station) that I highly recommend. Instead of purchasing an expensive dress to wear once, most of the women who participated in our wedding rented a dress. I chose three colors and let them pick a style. Little Borrowed Dress sent them two…

    Little Borrowed Dresses

  • Our Wedding

    White sand beaches and emerald gulf waters were the setting for our fall wedding! Carillon Beach is on the Gulf of Mexico near Panama City Beach in Florida’s Bay County. The average high in October is 81 degrees with an average low of 60. Carillon is a community with an inn, beach houses and condos,…

    Our Wedding

  • Carillon Beach, Florida

    The water is warm, come on in! Where to Stay Eat, Shop, Play Fly, Drive, Bike NOTE: information may not be up-to-date. The pages above were originally created for our wedding guests in 2013, but I have kept the information online for anyone visiting Carillon Beach!  Have a peek at Carillon below. For more about Carillon…

    Carillon Beach, Florida

  • Love is in the Air

    Though it has been years since I kept a Hello Kitty blog, I felt I had to share what my cousin gave me for my birthday and engagement! Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Love is in the Air

  • Apple, Apples Everywhere

    Countless varieties of apples show up at green markets around NYC in the fall, and every CSA member can expect apples in their weekly share.

    Apple, Apples Everywhere

  • Pumpkin Party

    I had never tried this before, it had to happen sometime! There were a couple of near disasters, but I think I pulled it off in the end. Somewhat recognizable?

    Pumpkin Party

  • Hello Pretty

    MAC Cosmetics has a new line of Hello Kitty-branded products. When I walked by a MAC store and saw the display, my head literally swung around for a double take and my legs refused to carry on. Pink and black and Kitty-fied goodness!! I received the above as belated birthday gifts. (My friends are awesome and…

    Hello Pretty

  • MyFriendsterBookSpace

    Social Networking has spread like the plague…and that’s sort of the point. They are addictive, viral beasts, these websites. I was recently roped into FaceBook. I’m also on Friendster, MySpace, LinkedIn, and countless similar websites I can’t even remember. I’ll ignore them until someone adds me as a friend or sends me a message. Then…


  • Plus… What?

    Mm, Diet Coke! I often drink it for caffeine and the fact it is calorie-free. I realize it is probably rotting my teeth, the lining of my stomach, or gods know what else. It might make sense if calcium were added to caffeinated beverages. Caffeine increase calcium loss, or so I hear. It’s a good…

    Plus… What?

  • Brush, Brush, Brush

    I bought a new toothbrush. I know, exciting, isn’t it? Oh, but you don’t understand. Once, long ago, I just used a normal toothbrush. I was puttering along, flossing every day (how I became a true daily flosser is another story…involves a popcorn kernel), thought I was a star of dental hygiene. Then my mom…

    Brush, Brush, Brush

  • Potter Crack

    I finished reading the latest (and last) Harry Potter book on Monday night. And I had waited several days before purchasing it in the first place. I guess I am a bad fan. It did take me just 3 sittings, though perhaps that’s not impressive compared to how quickly some gobbled it up. It’s a…

    Potter Crack

  • Horse Kisses & Baby Alligators

    I stepped off the plane to the scent of Louisiana summer. Now, I don’t know how this differs from the way summer smells in, say, Texas or Mississippi, but I find it a unique scent that takes me back to many happy childhood days. I took a nice, deep breath as I climbed out of…

    Horse Kisses & Baby Alligators

  • Fast Food

    I’m not a fan of fast food chains. I stopped eating red meat well over a decade ago and try to eat somewhat healthy (stop laughing, I said TRY!), but that’s not all of it. I’ve disliked McDonald’s from childhood, when a fry overindulgence made me sick. I’d never eat the hamburgers, opting instead for…

    Fast Food

  • Blogging

    As a web designer, I think the whole blogging phenomenon is pretty interesting. I also find it rather intriguing as a sometime-writer. Why blog? There are many possible reasons to start a blog. It’s a way to self-publish for one, with basically no one to answer to but whoever your readers happen to be. This applies…
